We sell premium Templates, Sample Packs, MIDI Packs, Tutorials and Synth Soundsets made by professional artists.
J2FB SAS, 9 Rue des colonnes, 75002 Paris, France.
Company Registration Number : 833 820 103
If you have any question, please just drop us an E-mail using our Contact Page.
Shumon Ahmed (verified owner) –
I bought this template Tycoos – Into Space (Logic Pro Template) after hearing the demo above and was curious about its arrangement…I took a look at the screen shot of the arrangement the the track sounds a lot more complex than it looked an it sparked my curiosity. Gotta say, this Tycoos guy is very talented, I’m learning so much.
Jose Rodriguez (verified owner) –
There are many things to learn in this template if you are a Trance producer. If you dedicate some time to analyze the content you will improve the quality of your productions a lot. We are lucky that Tycoos has shared his knowledge. My biggest respect and admiration for his work. From my point of view this is a masterpiece.
Vocoderman (verified owner) –
Tycoos – Into Space is a really well written and crafted trance anthem, and this template provides a very special opportunity to see how the pros do it! I am becoming such a big fan of Tycoos – not only for his great music, but also for the fact that such a top producer is willing to share production methods with us in these templates. Big thanks Tycoos and Myloops!
Simon (verified owner) –
What I really like about most templates of Tycoos is that they do not really need a lot of plugins to work. Sylenth and Spire are pretty widespread and standard ant LFO tool can be replaced by some freeware plugins since it is often only used as gate-effect oder sidechain replacement. In Tycoos’ templates you also get the “phat” sounds as a midi+synth combination so you really can replicate them yourself without any problems. Another really purchase worth the money!
Roman (verified owner) –
Really great template. I bought the Logic Pro x template to re-build it myself in Ableton in order to understand how a whole track including all FX etc. is created.
I totally recommend purchasing it. You will not regret it!